
Humanwissenschaften Unterricht Deutschland

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2 humanwissenschaften Lehrer Deutschland

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2 humanwissenschaften Lehrer Deutschland

Vertrauter Lehrer: Have you always been fascinated by Ancient Egypt? Have you always dreamt about learning more about the mysteries of this fascinating ancient civilization? Then this is the course for you! Warst du schon immer vom Alten Ägypten fasziniert? Hast du schon immer davon geträumt, mehr von dieser faszinierenden und geheimnisvollen Kultur zu lernen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich! Sei sempre stato affascinato dall’antico Egitto? Hai sempre sognato di conoscere meglio i misteri di questa affascinante civiltà? Allora questo è il corso per te! Teaching approach: I have always been fascinated by ancient Egypt, and during my studies of Foreign Languages and Literature at Turin University, I took Egyptology for one year. I studied with Professor Silvio Curto, a well known Egyptologist who was the Director of the Turin Museum for many years. Since my studies I have kept reading Egyptology texts and enriching my knowledge, my main interest and specialization being ancient Egyptian mythology, deities (and especially goddesses), as well as magic. Course program: Turin is the city in which I was born, raised and where I lived for a long time. This city is closely linked to ancient Egypt, since it houses the oldest Egyptian Museum worldwide, and still one of the most important collections in the world. In this course we are going to visit the Museo Egizio in Turin virtually, and we are going to read and discuss interesting texts written by Egyptologists, discussing many fascinating topics, such as ancient Egyptian magic, mythology, gods and goddesses, women in Ancient Egypt and many more. And if you visit Turin, a live lesson in the Egyptian Museum in the form of a guided visit can be arranged! In diesem Kurs werden wir das ‚Museo Egizio‘ in Turin virtuell besichtigen, und wir werden uns über viele faszinierende Themen unterhalten, wie z.B. ägyptische Magie, Gottheiten, berühmte Pharaos, Amulette, altägyptische Kunst und vieles andere mehr. Wir werden auch interessante Fragen beantworten: Wann begann das alte Ägypten? Wie alt wurden die Ägypter? Waren Frauen gleichberechtigt? Welche Farben gab es in der ägyptischen Sprache? Und falls du Turin besuchst, gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, einen Live-Unterricht in Form einer gemeinsamen Besichtigung des Ägyptischen Museums zu organisieren! In questo corso visiteremo virtualmente il Museo Egizio di Torino e parleremo di tanti argomenti affascinanti: dalle piramidi ai templi di Abu Simbel, dagli amuleti alle divinità egizie, dalla Valle dei Re e delle Regine al ruolo della donna nell'antico Egitto. E se visiti Torino potremo anche organizzare una lezione dal vivo sotto forma di visita guidata al Museo Egizio!
Humanwissenschaften · Geschichte
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